Be a part of the premiere compliance event for pharmaceutical and medical device professionals at the 19th Annual PCF Compliance Congress. Join pharma and device compliance professionals, in-house counsel, regulators, prosecutors, attorneys and industry consultants to share ideas for ways to cultivate a culture of compliance with the highest integrity to enable access to better care and outcomes for patients. This forum is ideal for both compliance professionals and in-house counsel new to developing a compliance program and experienced professionals and counsel continuing to evolve their programs to best suit their organization’s needs to address new challenges.
The Congress is the oldest and largest gathering of pharma and device compliance professionals and in-house counsel who come together annually to discuss best practices in legal and regulatory compliance. It is a part of a global pharma compliance congress series which has featured congresses in Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Dubai, Istanbul, Paris, Rome, Warsaw, Lisbon and Vienna (the International Pharma Compliance Congress) Singapore, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur and Manila (the Asia Pacific Pharma Compliance Congress); Sao Paolo and Mexico City (the Latin American Pharma Compliance Congress); and Washington, DC (the PCF Pharma Compliance Congress). We would like to thank the Congress sponsor, the Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum (PCF), the 2018 PCF co-chairs, planning committee, grantors and exhibitors and faculty for their direction and insight into timely updates to applicable statutes, regulations and program requirements impacting our industry.
The health care industry continues to be a highly-regulated and high-risk industry. Adherence to applicable federal and state laws, compliance with private payer healthcare requirements and fostering a culture of “doing what is right” are essential to an effective compliance and ethics program. While the industry continues to keep a pulse on anticorruption and fraud and abuse compliance, HCP/HCO interactions, updates to open payments and third-party life-cycle management, new stakeholder interactions have emerged to the forefront, such as, interactions with patients and patient advocacy groups, specialty pharmacy and PBMs. These developments challenge companies to adapt, change and evolve faster. Join your esteemed colleagues in the industry as they share best practices in developing policies and procedures, training and leveraging data analytics in your auditing, monitoring and risk assessment and mitigation plans.
This year, we welcome back our long-standing keynote speakers from OIG, DOJ, SEC, FBI, FCPA and FDA, and we are delighted to welcome much anticipated presentations by Gregg Shapiro, JD, Hui Chen, JD, and Sally Yates JD. These stakeholders together with our expert keynote speakers, panelists and you bring together the brightest minds to engage in meaningful discussion, address timely compliance issues and provide a rich opportunity for networking.
- Pharmaceutical and Health Care Executives and Board Members
- Compliance Executives
- Health Plan, Health System and Physician Organizations
- Medical Directors
- Physicians
- Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
- Purchasers, including Private Employers and Public Purchasers
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Site Management Organizations
- Clinical Research Organizations
- Pharmacy Benefit Management Companies
- Nurses
- Health Plans and Health Insurers
- Wholesale, Retail, Mail Order and Internet Pharmacies
- Health Care Attorneys and In-house Counsel
- Compliance Officers
- Privacy Officers
- Ethics Officers
- Food and Drug Law Attorneys
- Pharmaceutical Consultants
- Investment Bankers
- Venture Capitalists
- Health Care Regulators and Policy Makers
- Health Services Researchers and Academics
- Auditors
The Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum (PCF) is a not-for-profit membership coalition of compliance professionals and legal counsel from 70 distinguished research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers and biotech companies.
The PCF was founded in early 1999 by compliance professionals from the pharmaceutical industry to promote effective corporate compliance programs. The members meet twice a year, for two days, focusing on open and informal sharing of compliance information, best practices, and current developments in the field. PCF sponsors a three-day Compliance Congress each Fall.
Generally, representatives from the companies who attend the meetings are compliance officers, compliance attorneys or other professionals with responsibility for oversight or other aspects of their respective corporate compliance programs.
The purpose of the Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum is to discuss education and other industry practices regarding compliance with the ultimate aim of promoting effective pharmaceutical corporate compliance and ethics programs in accordance with the Federal Organization Sentencing Guidelines and the OIG Compliance Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.
Non-member companies who are interested in joining PCF may contact Debra Scanlon, Administrator, Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum at info@pharmacomplianceforum.org.

- Save $500 off your first year’s membership dues when becoming a member
- Unlimited number of employees can join — No additional fees! All included in your annual corporate membership dues.
- All members have access to our exclusive Member Only website for networking with fellow members and viewing of past meeting materials, benchmarking surveys and other valuable resources!
- Exclusive invitation to the members only PCF Annual Spring and complimentary Fall Regional Meetings
- Monthly newsletter to stay informed on the latest news and meeting information.
- Save up to $500 with discounted registration fees for each employee to PCF sponsored Pharma Congress in Washington DC each year
- Save up to $500 with discounted registration fees for each employee to International Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress and the Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress
- Complimentary compliance and legal job postings on the PCF website. A superior recruiting tool! Non-members companies pay $600 per posting.
- Special PCF Member discount on subscriptions to Life Science Compliance Update.
For more information go to www.pharmacomplianceforum.org.